
Home Made Chips

Hi Everybody, 

Todays post is going to be about cooking.Yes i found something different and wanna to share with you.

Everybody likes chips and we know that its not healthy lots of fat and chemicals. So lets make our chips at home.

We need 

1 packet pasta( try to choose big leafs)

corn flour

frying oil

First boil the pasta as you cook pasta. When it is ready transfer them to a dry bowl and mix them with corn flour.Pls check picture on the right.

When you think all macaroni covered with corn wheat fry them. The oil has to be hot so in 5-10 minutes all become in brown color and they must be hard not soft.

Than transfer them on to a napkin so the oil is going to be absorved by it and than your chips are ready.Enjoy !

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Thank God I am living here.

I was complaining about the prices here. Becouse they were increasing every day. But when i saw  some news about the most expensive cities. I m shocked becouse Kiev was the 21st and Istanbul where i used to live was 15th. Oh my god ! unbelivable. It means Istanbul is more expensive than Kiev. It wasnt like this before so Thank God Im here today.

The 50 most expensive cities in the world, according to the cost of items including housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment:

1. Moscow
2. Seoul
3. Tokyo
4. Hong Kong
5. London
6. Osaka
7. Geneva
8. Copenhagen
9. Zurich
10. Oslo
10. New York
12. St Petersburg, Russia
13. Milan
14. Beijing
15. Istanbul
15. Paris
17. Singapore
18. Dublin
19. Sydney
20. Shanghai
21. Rome
21. Kiev

Where would you like to live for these statistics?


Do you know Sikorsky ?

     One of the advantages of blogging is learning more and more.

Today i want to write you about a famous Ukranian Pioneer. He is  Igor I. Sikorsky (1889-1972) Born in Kiev. Helped shape the development of Russian and American aviation. His greatest aeronautical achievements were his multi-motored airplanes, large flying boats and helicopters. Through innovative designs he set numerous aviation world records. He is noted as an unusual person; a genius with great natural ability, spirituality and humanity.

I know his helicopters are one of the best nowadays. To read more about Igor I. Sikorsky click here.

In future i will try to write more about Famous Ukranians.



Turkish For Russians

In summer Ukranians and Russians prefer Turkiye or Egypt maybe Tunisia for holiday.In summer everybody here(Ukraine) is thinking about holiday in Turkey or Egypt sometimes Tunisia. Than i checked the statistics if how many tourists have been to Turkey. 2.465.336 Russians and 593.302 Ukranians. Not bad :)

How can they cominicate in Turkey?

I found a source which is teaching Turkish in Russian language. (uchu-turetskiy.narod.ru)Interesting isnt it? So below there are some words in Russian and Turkish. May be it helps you in Turkey. 

Ha you speak English. Dont worry everybody speaks inglis there :)

Russian - Turkish

Общее :

Да -Эвет 
Нет -хАйир 
Спасибо -тэшэккюрлЕр 
Большое спасибо -чок тэшэккюрлЕр 
Не за что –бир шэй дэИль 
Извините -аффедЭрсиниз 
Прошу прощения –(о)ёзЮр дилЕрим 
Не стОит (ответ на извинение) –бир сорУн дэИль 

Приветствия :

Доброе утро –гюн айдЫн 
Добрый вечер –йи акшамлАр 
Доброй ночи –йи геджэлЕр 
Привет –сэлЯм/ мЭраба 
Добро пожаловать –хош гЕльдин(-из) 
(в ответ на «Добро пожаловать» -хош булдУк (мн. число)/ хош булдУм 
Как вы (Вы)? –нАсылсынЫз?) (ДВА УДАРЕНИЯ!!) 
Как ты? –нАсылсЫн? 
Я хорошо.-ийИм 
До свидания. –гёрюшмЕк Юзере 
В ответ на «до свидания» -гюлЕ гюлЕ/гёрюшмЕк юзерЕ 


Что -нэ ne 
Как -насЫл 
Зачем (почему) –нИчин / нийЕ/ нЭдэн 
Который -хАнги 
Кто -ким 
Где -нЭрэдэ 
Откуда -нЭрэдэн 
Куда -нЭрейе 
Когда –нэ замАн 
Во сколько –саАт качтА 
Что это означает? –бу нэ демЕк 
Сколько? (стОит) («Почём?») –нэ кадАр 
С чем? -нэйлЕ 
С кем? -кимИнле 
Чей -кимИн 
…есть…? –вар мы? 
У Вас есть…? -сИздэ … вар мы? 

Время :

Век (столетие) –юз йИл 
Год –йИл /сенЭ 
Месяц -ай 
День -гюн 
Минута -дакикА 
Секунда -сАнье 
Время года -мевсИм 
Утро -сабАх 
Полдень -(о-)Ёйле 
Вечер -акшАм 
Ночь -геджЕ 
Зима –кыш 
Весна -бахАр 
Лето –яз 
Осень -сонбахАр 

Месяцы :

Январь -оджАк 
Февраль –шубАт 
Март –март 
Апрель –нисАн 
Май –майИс 
Июнь –хазирАн 
Июль –теммУз 
Август –аустОс 
Сентябрь –эйлЮль 
Октябрь –экИм 
Ноябрь -кашИм 
Декабрь -аралЫк 

Дни :

Понедельник -пазАртэси 
Вторник -салЫ 
Среда -чаршамбА 
Четверг -першэмбЕ 
Пятница -джумА 
Суббота -джумАртэси 

Воскресенье -пазАр

By the way Have you been to Turkey?



Top 55 cities in Ukraine 2008

Ukrainians tend to change their residence in search of better life. People from regions come in Kyiv for higher wages, while residents of Kyiv, on the contrary, rent out their flats and move to the provinces to have quiet life. So what are the most desirable cities for Ukrainians? 

It the second time Focus in Ukraine makes the analysis of life conditions in 55 biggest Ukrainian cities using more than 10 characteristics. 

According to the analysis, the best city of Ukraine is Chernivtsi, which was one of the 5 best last year, then Kyiv and Yalta. 

What is interesting the top 10 is presented mainly by the western cities while the eastern industrial centres were thrown to the end of the list: Dnipropertovsk (44), Donetsk (45), Kharkiv (50) and the 55th place is occupied by Zaporizhzhya. 

There were also the winners in separate nominations: 

Kyiv – as in the previous rating – is the most attractive city for investors and tourists. The capital has the smallest unemployment rate and the highest wages. The residents of Kyiv get state financing more than any other in Ukraine. It is not surprisingly that Kyiv has the highest migration increase. 

Kerch became the leader in infrastructure. 

Chernihiv got the title of the most ecologically clean city. 

Kolomya has got the lowest crime level. 

Simferopol provides the most affordable municipal services. 

Sudak is a city with the highest concentration of historical and cultural objects. 

Top 10 of best Ukrainian cities: 

1. Chernivtsi 

2. Kyiv 

3. Yalta 

4. Chernihiv 

5. Ivano-Frankivsk 

6. Mukachevo 

7. Truskavets 

8. Illichivsk 

9. Lviv 

10. Lutsk 

The cities were analyzed according to the infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, hospitals, supermarkets and markets), also considering the level services and utilities, ecology, crime, unemployment, investment and tourist attractiveness. 

The social aspect of analysis included the average salary, municipal services, average price for sq m, which characterizes the affordability of habitation, the number of high education institutions of III and IV accreditation levels, also the number of theatres and cinemas, houses and palaces of culture, the records of architecture, history and archeology and cultural areas. 

The research also included business capacities of the cities – the number of enterprises and private entrepreneurs, the level of banking services, financing from the city authorities and migration processes. 

Top 55 cities in Ukraine: 

Chernivtsi, Kyiv, Yalta, Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo, Truskavets, Illichivsk, Lviv, Lutsk, Irpin, Sevastopol, Kam’yanets-Podilskyi, Kolomya, Khmelnytskyi, Simferopol, Uzhhorod, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, Odesa, Ternopil, Svalyava, Myrhorod, Kirovohrad, Bila Tserkva, Feodosia, Mykolaiv, Uman, Ostroh, Netyshyn, Sumy, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Pivdennoukrainsk, Alushta, Rivne, Vinnytsya, Enerhodar, Boryspil, Kherson, Sudak, Vushhorod, Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk, Mariupol, Donetsk, Kerch, Kremenchuh, Brovary, Kharkiv, Berdyansk, Artemivsk, Yevpatoria, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhya.



Did you make a favor today?

It was late evening. I have to go to the market and buy some needings. But my son wants to come with me. He was at home all day he bored and wanted to come out with me. I said ok. The supermarket was 10 mins.away by bus.
Everything was normal we completed shopping and what a pity i bought more than i can carry :) i have to go home by bus 2 big bags + my 3 years old son. Oh my god !

Any way i didnt want to give chance to cabs to rob me and walked till bus stop. I was very tired so my son too. He was trying to walk alone, helping me etc etc.

At least our bus came but full of passengers :( so we waited for the next one.

Next one was full too i cant get on with two bags and a child.

than the third one came after 15 mins. it was full two i didnt know what to do but some Miracle happened!!!

Some one was calling me inside of the bus by hands. She was the conductor(people who sells tickets in the bus) She left her seat for me and my son (normally you cant sit their seats)she helped me for the bags.Everybody was looking at us.

She was helping me like an angel. Than we came to our stop she again helped me for bags for my son. Everyhing was okey. We come to home easier and faster than i expect.

I gave my thanks to her. Also to the God.

May be this is something routin for her but for me it was a big favor.

So she helped me from heart and i wish god will bless her.

I will try to do my best for everybody no classifications to everybody...


Nice Presentation

Hi, this morning i was thinking about what to write on my blog today then i found a presentation about Ukraine. I liked it. Hope you will like it too. I havent been to the all cities but after watching this video i had an idea about all cities.


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Russian and Kiev Tour.

Zdrastvuyte !

It means Hello in Russian :) I started to practice it but i can say Russian is one of the most diffucult language. Becouse it has lots of words to memorise and it has diffucult rules. But in Russian you can explain better what you want to tell you can use the suitable word for your position.

In Ukraine official language is Ukranian but most people speaks both.So if you speak Russian you can survive :)

I want to share a youtube video with you. Hope you will like it...


Maidan Nezalezhnosti

       Maidan means square in English but Maidan = Meydan in Turkish. Interesting isnt it? In the center of Kiev there is a Maidan Nezalezhnosti( Indepence Square). Its a big square lots of concerts, meetings organised here. Its always full of fun. You can go there anytime and find something interested. Its on the Khrisatik Street which is the best in the centre.

So if you cant come to Maidan try to watch from the webcam.
